Muziekleraren krijgen het voor hun oren

In een artikel uit een international wettenschappelijk arbeidshygiene tijdschrift (Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene) is gebleken dat ca. 40 % van de muziekleraren gemiddeld toch te veel geluid (gehoorbeschadigende muziek/lawaai) op hun oren krijgen.

Beethoven werd ook doof door zijn muziek...The Sound of Music may ruin your ears
ISLAMABAD: Music teachers are exposed to noise levels that could cause hearing loss, says a University of Toronto study.
Researchers used noise dosimeters to measure noise exposure for 18 music teachers from 15 high schools. They found that the peak noise level exceeded 85 decibels (dB) for 78 percent of the teachers.  As a comparison, a lawn mower produces about 90 dB.  While noise levels experienced by the teachers over the course of an average day were marginally acceptable, noise levels during music teaching periods could cause damage to the inner ear. The study concluded that, over an average eight-hour exposure, 39 percent of the music teachers faced potentially harmful noise levels.

Many of the classrooms have concrete block and linoleum, which are highly reflective sound surfaces. The study authors suggest that schools consider protective measures such as sound baffling and carpeting in music rooms. They also suggest that music teachers wear protective earplugs and get regular hearing checks.

The study appeared in a recent issue of the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene.

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